Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Low Key Photography

For the low-key photography project, Caiti was my model. We went in the dark room, set up the light and she sat on the stool.  I stood beside her and made sure i used the rule of thirds and adjusted the light so she had a shadow on her face.  I then went to light-room and used the black and white tool.  I also used the burn tool to get out what i needed too.

For this project we created a dark background and used a high shutter speed and one light source.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


For this project I took two pictures, a background and the subject. I used the layer mask to take out the background on his image. I also clone stamped out the bars in the back image. I overlayed the two of them and put in a shadow using the burn tool. 

Lightroom Practice



For this image I used Lightroom software. I turned the image B&W and adjusted the whites higher and the blacks lower. I turned the contrast up and the exposure down. I cropped the image to get rid of some of the blur in the lower right corner and also to help with composition. I wanted to be offset in the image. Lastly, I turned down the shadows.



For this image i used lightroom software.  First i cropped the image to help with composition.
Next, i turned down the exposure and turned the contrast up. 
Then i turned up the whites and turned down the blacks. 
lastly, i turned down the clarity.